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Wynner’s Club

A couple of months ago I received a DM on Instagram asking me if they could nominate me for the Liebster award. At first I was like HUH? What is a Liebster and what does it do? LOL. So I did what all millennials do and conducted a very tedious google research on my iPhone. I should start off by saying I was nominated by Caitlin of The Country Jumper, I have never met Caitlin nor had I really known much about her only that her blog was full of useful advice and inspiration for a young solo traveler like myself. So S/O to Caitlin, thanks girl!! She explained to me what the Liebster award was and I was completely in love with the idea. So what exactly is it?

The Liebster awards are a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea created by The Global Aussie in promoting your own blog and others.

*click the picture for the official 2018 rules*

Caitlin asked 10 questions and if you read below you’ll be able to read my answers and then see the 10 different questions that I will be asking the people I nominated! So lets go!

1. Are you settled or location independent? Whichever you are, do you think you could or would like to live the other?

I am settled but am currently working on being location independent. If you were to ask me what is my biggest goal in life it is to be completely location independent in every aspect of my life, the hard part? Getting to that point. But one must not give up! 😉 

2. What is the most cliché travel experience you’ve ever had?

Mmmm, probably scarfing down a philly cheesesteak as my first meal in Philadelphia (they are as good as they sound). 

3. Has a stranger ever bailed you out while you were traveling? What’s the story?

Plenty of times! But the one time that sticks out the most is taking a bus in the middle of the night in Toronto with my friend because she did not want to split a uber. Realizing we got on the wrong bus so we had to get off and we had no idea where we were. I faintly remember a taco bell on the corner of the street but does Canada even have a taco bell? QTNA. A car drives past us and my friend yells “DO YOU WANT TO GIVE US A RIDE?”, funny right? Wrong. The car reverses back to us and cue the sketchiness. It was two guys and they were like “yeah we’ll take you home” and at that point I was willing to pay for the uber but my friend had already jumped in the car, so I had to jump in as well. Luckily those two men (whose accents were to die for, btw) took us straight to our airbnb and were really nice. I understand how bad things could have been but their act of kindness of taking us home at 3am in the morning will never be forgotten. 

4. What is your worst travel nightmare that hasn’t happened yet?

Being robbed of everything including my passport (knock on wood). 

5. What is your worst travel nightmare that has happened?

Flight being cancelled in my layover city and having to muster up the courage to drive 8 hours to Canada by myself to get to the Drake concert in time. 🙂 NEVER AFUCKING GAIN. 

6. It’s raining all day in a new city you’re visiting, what do you do?

Visit the restaurants I wouldn’t have had time to if I was out exploring and possibly a bar or two. 

7. Have you ever found an unexpected love along the road? (This doesn’t have to be a person!)

Yes, I love traveling solo now. It’s probably my favorite way to travel – you own your time. 

8. How many pairs of underwear do you pack for a one month trip?

I don’t wear underwear so IDK. tmi but had to answer 🙂

9. What are the unexpected items you ALWAYS have in your bag when you travel?

Dried up mascara and hoop earrings. 

10. You’re living abroad and a friend from your home country comes to visit, what do you ask them to bring you?


So now that you know a little bit about me, it’s time for my nominations! The people that I’m about to nominate are all travel bloggers so show them some love and follow them!

1. Joelle from Riding Around The Globe – She is quite possibly my favorite person on Instagram at the moment. She is so happy all the time that you can’t help but be happy every time you see her on IG stories. She has a way of story-telling so I’m super excited to see her answers. Also, her name is literally the prettiest.

2. Melissa from Traveling Bitz – She IS a solo traveler, unlike me who only does it on some trips. She’s super nice and gives out the best recommendations and her Instagram game has been on point lately. She also works a 9-5 job so if you wanna see how she makes travel happen for herself, check her out.

4. Yvonne from Lost With Yvonne – Travel blogger who also doubles as a podcaster. She’s kind, personable, and relatable. She loves alcohol just about as much as I do!

3. Alexandra from Candid Alexandra – She is an American expat living the life in Ireland. She’s super cute and will show you all the dope spots in Dublin.


And now for my questions *cue dramatic drumroll*

  1. What did you dislike the most about the least favorite place you’ve ever visited?
  2. How old were you when you boarded your first plane?
  3. What’s your favorite thing about airports?
  4. What’s something from your childhood that you always think about?
  5. If you could take a wine & design class with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
  6. What is a random piece of advice that you would give to a middle schooler?
  7. 10 years from now do you see yourself still blogging?
  8. What is your favorite restaurant from the place that you live and what kind of food do they serve?
  9. If there was a movie about an NYC tour guide, which celebrity would you cast to play the part and why?
  10. If you had to name your child your favorite city in the world, what would you name them?

Can’t wait to read y’all’s answers!
