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Wynner’s Club

“You’re going to NYC alone!?” 

“What did Trae say?”

“Don’t ride the Subway!”

“You’re insane.”

Are all things said to me when I told people I was traveling to NYC for the first time, alone. It’s pretty crazy how foreign of a concept traveling solo can be to some people. Seeing as how I follow a lot of travel bloggers, bloggers, and writers I’m pretty aware that people travel solo ALL the time. I’ve never been opposed to the idea, just never had the chance, until now.

I have been in situations before where I have stayed in a new city by myself for a night, but never longer than 24 hours. After this trip I’m 100% going to start traveling solo more often. I literally don’t have to listen to anyone’s 2 cents but my own – and that in itself is pretty great. For many people the thought of traveling solo isn’t even an option, but let me break some reasons on why it’s good for the soul!

Catch up with your thoughts. 

Your alone with your own thoughts and feelings. We all lead busy lives and we’re always on the go. Traveling solo gives you a chance to catch up on your thoughts, goals, and aspirations. Not only will you focus on your thoughts but you will also give your full attention to the place you traveled to. When we travel with our friends and family we may not fully digest a new place as we should.

Your time is your own.

You go wherever you want, you eat whatever you want. When traveling with others you have to be mindful and considerate on what they want to do and what they want to eat (not to mention with yours or their financial situation). This is the perfect time to be selfish with your time. And while you’re experiencing it, you learn about yourself. You learn more about your likes/dislikes based on the activities you choose to do or prioritize.

You step out of your comfort zone. 

C’mon, you know you should work on your people skills. Traveling solo actually forces you to talk to NEW people. You don’t have the crutch of familiar faces as you would if you were to travel with your friends. Being solo also means you’ll look like a friendly face to someone wanting to ask a question or needing a picture taken of them. You also build confidence, which most people lack when you talk about solo travel. You’ll realize that most people are NOT out to get you, and even in a city like NYC people were pretty friendly even when I got lost and asked questions.

If you wait for a friend or a family member, you may be waiting forever. 

If not now, when? We can’t always be waiting on friends and family to travel with us. People have work, lives, maybe they can’t save up for a trip until a certain date. JUST GO. Tomorrow isn’t promised so stop waiting. Once you get into that mentality that you do not need someone to travel with, your travel possibilities become endless.

P.S. Yes I was nervous and the fact that my original flight got cancelled while we were already on the plane made me even more anxious. Luckily, I figured my shit out spoke to my airline company and hopped on the next flight 30 minutes later over to NYC landing in a different airport (talk about luck). It took me about a good 30-40 minutes to figure out how to call a lyft to the airport (I had to walk out to a different terminal, take a bus that took me to a lot, and called it from there). I couldn’t check in to my Airbnb until 6PM so I hauled my carry on bag around until then. I thought I was going to look like a crazy person but guess what, there were others on the Brooklyn bridge with their luggage as well. OH and yes, I saw rats in the subway (ewww). But yeah, that’s my little inspo for the day, if I can get to NYC or anywhere for that matter by myself so can you!

Until next time! 




2 Replies to “Why Solo Travel is good for the soul”

  1. I freaking love this Wynee!! You have def inspired me to travel alone.

    I want to this year, but like you said I am always waiting for someone

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